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LS7566R Datasheet(PDF) 1 Page - LSI Computer Systems |
LS7566R Datasheet(HTML) 1 Page - LSI Computer Systems |
1 / 13 page 24-BIT x 4-AXES QUADRATURE COUNTER FEATURES: • Read/write registers for count and I/O modes. Count modes include: non-quadrature (Up/Down), Quadrature (x1, x2, x4), Free-run, Non-recycle, Modulo-n and Range limit • Separate mode-control registers for each axis • Interrupt output and interrupt mask register • 40 MHz count frequency, 5V 20 MHz count frequency, 3V • Sets of 24-bit counters, preset registers, comparators and output latches and 8-bit status registers for each axis • Digital filtering of the input quadrature clocks for noise immumity. • 3-state Octal I/O bus • 3V to 5.5V operating voltage range • LS7566R-TS (TSSOP) - See Figure 1 - GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The LS7566R consists of four identical modules of 24-bit pro- grammable counters with direct interface to incremental encod- ers. The modules can be configured to operate as quadrature- clock counters or non-quadrature up/down counters. In both quadrature and non-quadrature modes, the modules can be fur- ther configured into free-running, non-recycle, modulo-n and range-limit count modes. The mode configuration is made through two 8-bit read/write addressable control registers, MDR0 and MDR1. Data can be ported to a 24-bit preset register PR, or- ganized in directly addressable (write-only) byte0 [PR0], byte1 [PR1] and byte2 [PR2] segments. PR can be transferred to the 24-bit counter CNTR, either by instruction to MDR1 or by hard- ware input control. A 24-bit digital comparator perpetually checks for the equality of the CNTR and the PR and can be used to set an output flag when the equality occurs. For reading the CNTR, its instantaneous value can be transferred to a 24-bit output latch OL, either by instruction to MDR1 or by hardware input control. The OL in turn can be read in directly addressable (read-only) byte0 [OL0], byte1 [OL1] and byte2 [OL2] segments. An address- able (read-only) Octal status register STR, stores the count re- lated status information such as CNTR overflow, underflow, count direction, etc. Data communication for read/write is per- formed through an Octal 3-state parallel I/O bus . REGISTER DESCRIPTION: Following is a list of the hardware registers. There are four sets of registers, with name prefixes x0 through x3 to refer to axes x0 through x3. The information included herein is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, LSI Computer Systems, Inc. assumes no responsibilities for inaccuracies, nor for any infringements of patent rights of others which may result from its use. PIN ASSIGNMENT - Top View December 2005 FIGURE 1 7566R-122205-1 LSI/CSI LSI Computer Systems, Inc. 1235 Walt Whitman Road, Melville, NY 11747 (631) 271-0400 FAX (631) 271-0405 LS7566R UL ® A3800 1 48 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 RS2 RS1 RS0 CHS1 CHS0 NC NC RD/ CS/ WR/ DB0 DB1 DB2 DB3 DB4 DB5 DB6 DB7 NC NC PCK GND x0INDX/ x0A x0FLGa x0FLGb x1FLGa INT/ NC GND x1FLGb x2FLGa VDD NC x3FLGb NC x3B x3A x3INDX/ x2B x2A x2INDX/ x1B x1A x1INDX/ x0B x2FLGb x3FLGa |
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