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MA-100BF-502-10000 Datasheet(PDF) 1 Page - Amphenol Corporation |
MA-100BF-502-10000 Datasheet(HTML) 1 Page - Amphenol Corporation |
1 / 4 page Biomedical Chip Thermistors NTC Type MA Applications A complete line of standard sub-assemblies is available. Continuous research and development efforts within Thermometrics have resulted not only in these field proven designs, but in the development of our Unitherm Thermochip Thermistor, designed exclusively for biomedical applications in the range of 32°F to 122°F (0°C to 50°C) . Although low in cost , these highly stable, precision thermochips provide the reliability, tight interchangeable tolerances, geometries, and fast response times that are often required. Thermometrics employs experienced applications engineers who welcome inquiries, whether for assistance, or to help with your design requirements concerning new and existing applications. Our Biomedical Chip Thermistor assemblies are designed for use in applications involving both intermittent and continuous patient temperature monitoring. Repeatability and fast response are essential not only for the intermittent temperature requirements associated with oral and rectal fever measurements, but also with the continuous monitoring often necessary during induced-hypothermia and general anesthesia, or when employed in the care of infants and premature babies. Intensive care units along with recovery rooms have also adopted patient temperature as part of their vital sign monitoring procedures. Temperature monitoring for skin surface, tympanic, esophageal, foley catheters and biofeedback applications has also improved due to the high stability and tight interchangeable tolerances designed into each Thermometrics’ Biomedical assembly. Amphenol Advanced Sensors |
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