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E-1048-8C4-C0A1V1-4U3-5A Datasheet(PDF) 3 Page - ETAL Group |
E-1048-8C4-C0A1V1-4U3-5A Datasheet(HTML) 3 Page - ETAL Group |
3 / 4 page Smart Power Relay E-1048-8C... 3 1651 5 Smart Power Relay E-1048-8C... Type E-1048-8C Smart Power Relay DC 12 V/24 V - 1 A...25 A in CUBIC version Housing / temperature range 4 with housing -40 °C...85 °C (60 °C at IN = 25 A) 5 with housing -40 °C...85 °C (60 °C at IN = 25 A) increased environmental requirements (IP protection class etc.) Control input C with control input (+ control 8.5...32 V) LEDs 0 without 3 2 LEDs: AS yellow, SF red Status output minus-switching A without D with AS and SF Contents of group fault signal SF/ LED indication SF 0 without 1 short circuit / overload 4 short circuit / overload + wire breakage Analogue output V0 without V1 0...5 V Characteristic curve 4 200 ms standard switch-off delay with overload) Voltage rating U3 DC 12/24 V Current ratings / colour of label 1 A / black 2 A / grey 3 A / purple 5 A / light-brown 7.5 A / brown 10 A / red 15 A / blue 20 A / yellows 25 A / white E-1048-8C 4 - C 3 D 4 V1 - 4 U3 - 20 A ordering example 1: 7 pole version E-1048-8C 4 - C 0 A 0 V0 - 4 U3 - 5 A ordering example 2: 4 pole version Ordering Information Dimensions „DELUXE“ version (7 pin version) 2, 4, 5, 6 and 8 - blade terminals 6.3 x 0.8 1 and 3- blade terminals 2.8 x 0.6 with all options: - LED indications AS/SF - status outputs AS/SF - analogue output U (I) LED red LED yellow 30 1.18 5 8 4 6 21 3 footprint to ISO 7588 Dimensions „BASIC Version“ (4 pin version) 30 2, 4, 6 and 8 - blade terminals 6.3 x 0.8 1.18 without options: - LED indication AS/SF - status outputs AS/SF - analogue output U (I) 8 4 6 2 footprint to ISO 7588 This is a metric design and millimeter dimensions take precedence ( mm ) inch Preferred types Standard current ratings (A) 5 7.5 10 15 20 25 E-1048-8C4-C3A1V0-4U3- x x x x x x Preferred types Approvals Authority Approval mark Regulation KBA E1 ECE R 10 |
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