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STK672-442BN-E Datasheet(PDF) 26 Page - ON Semiconductor |
STK672-442BN-E Datasheet(HTML) 26 Page - ON Semiconductor |
26 / 28 page STK672-442BN-E No.A2249-26/28 7. Other usage notes In addition to the “Notes” indicated in the Sample Application Circuit, care should also be given to the following contents during use. (1) Allowable operating range Operation of this product assumes use within the allowable operating range. If a supply voltage or an input voltage outside the allowable operating range is applied, an overvoltage may damage the internal control IC or the MOSFET. If a voltage application mode that exceeds the allowable operating range is anticipated, connect a fuse or take other measures to cut off power supply to the product. (2) Input pins If the input pins are connected directly to the board connectors, electrostatic discharge or other overvoltage outside the specified range may be applied from the connectors and may damage the product. Current generated by this overvoltage can be suppressed to effectively prevent damage by inserting 100 to 1k resistors in lines connected to the input pins. Take measures such as inserting resistors in lines connected to the input pins. (3) Power connectors If the motor power supply VCC is applied by mistake without connecting the GND part of the power connector when the product is operated, such as for test purposes, an overcurrent flows through the VCC decoupling capacitor, C1, to the parasitic diode between the VDD of the internal control IC and GND, and may damage the power supply pin block of the internal control IC. To prevent damage in this case, connect a 10 resistor to the VDD pin, or insert a diode between the VCC decoupling capacitor C1 GND and the VDD pin. (4) Input Signal Lines 1) Do not use an IC socket to mount the driver, and instead solder the driver directly to the board to minimize fluctuations in the GND potential due to the influence of the resistance component and inductance component of the GND pattern wiring. 2) To reduce noise caused by electromagnetic induction to small signal lines, do not design small signal lines (sensor signal lines, and 5V or 3.3V power supply signal lines) that run parallel in close proximity to the motor output line A (Pin 4), AB (Pin 5), B (Pin 3), or BB (Pin 1) phases. BB B AB A R1 R2 VDD GND VDD=5V 4 5 3 1 VSS 2 9 18 MODE1 CLOCK CWB RESETB Vref S.G C1 Vcc open 24V Reg . FAULT 6 ENABLE MODE2 Overcurrent path Overcurrent protection measure: insert a resistor Overcurrent protection measure: insert a diode MODE3 FAO FABO FBO FBBO A1 B1 Vref 5V Reg. . |
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