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27LV64 Datasheet(PDF) 6 Page - Microchip Technology |
27LV64 Datasheet(HTML) 6 Page - Microchip Technology |
6 / 10 page ![]() 27LV64 DS11024F-page 6 2004 Microchip Technology Inc. 1.3 Standby Mode The standby mode is defined when the CE pin is high (VIH) and a program mode is not defined. When these conditions are met, the supply current will drop from 20 mA to 100 µA. 1.4 Output Enable This feature eliminates bus contention in microproces- sor-based systems in which multiple devices may drive the bus. The outputs go into a high impedance state when the following condition is true: •The OE and PGM pins are both high. 1.5 Erase Mode (U.V. Windowed Versions) Windowed products offer the capability to erase the memory array. The memory matrix is erased to the all 1’s state when exposed to ultraviolet light. To ensure complete erasure, a dose of 15 watt-second/cm2 is required. This means that the device window must be placed within one inch and directly underneath an ultra- violet lamp with a wavelength of 2537 Angstroms, intensity of 12,000 µW/cm2 for approximately 20 min- utes. 1.6 Programming Mode The Express Algorithm has been developed to improve the programming throughput times in a production environment. Up to ten 100-microsecond pulses are applied until the byte is verified. No overprogramming is required. A flowchart of the express algorithm is shown in Figure 1-3. Programming takes place when: a) VCC is brought to the proper voltage, b) VPP is brought to the proper VH level, c) the CE pin is low, d) the OE pin is high, and e) the PGM pin is low. Since the erased state is “1” in the array, programming of “0” is required. The address to be programmed is set via pins A0-A12 and the data to be programmed is pre- sented to pins O0-O7. When data and address are sta- ble, OE is high, CE is low and a low-going pulse on the PGM line programs that location. 1.7 Verify After the array has been programmed it must be veri- fied to ensure all the bits have been correctly pro- grammed. This mode is entered when all the following conditions are met: a) VCC is at the proper level, b) VPP is at the proper VH level, c) the CE line is low, d) the PGM line is high, and e) the OE line is low. 1.8 Inhibit When programming multiple devices in parallel with dif- ferent data, only CE or PGM need be under separate control to each device. By pulsing the CE or PGM line low on a particular device in conjunction with the PGM or CE line low, that device will be programmed; all other devices with CE or PGM held high will not be pro- grammed with the data, although address and data will be available on their input pins (i.e., when a high level is present on CE or PGM); and the device is inhibited from programming. 1.9 Identity Mode In this mode specific data is output which identifies the manufacturer as Microchip Technology Inc. and device type. This mode is entered when Pin A9 is taken to VH (11.5V to 12.5V). The CE and OE lines must be at VIL. A0 is used to access any of the two non-erasable bytes whose data appears on O0 through O7. Pin Input Output Identity A0 0 7 O 6 O 5 O 4 O 3 O 2 O 1 O 0 H e x Manufacturer Device Type* VIL VIH 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 29 02 * Code subject to change |
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