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MX27L512 Datasheet(PDF) 3 Page - Macronix International |
MX27L512 Datasheet(HTML) 3 Page - Macronix International |
3 / 14 page 3 P/N:PM0256 REV. 2.6, AUG. 26, 2003 MX27L512 NOTES: 1. VH = 12.0 V ± 0.5 V 2. X = Either VIH or VIL 3. A1 - A8 = A10 - A15 = VIL(For auto select) 4. See DC Programming Characteristics for VPP voltage during programming. TWO-LINE OUTPUT CONTROL FUNCTION To accommodate multiple memory connections, a two- line control function is provided to allow for: 1. Low memory power dissipation, 2. Assurance that output bus contention will not occur. It is recommended that CE be decoded and used as the primary device-selecting function, while OE be made a common connection to all devices in the array and connected to the READ line from the system control bus. This assures that all deselected memory devices are in their low-power standby mode and that the output pins are only active when data is desired from a particular memory device. SYSTEM CONSIDERATIONS During the switch between active and standby conditions, transient current peaks are produced on the rising and falling edges of Chip Enable. The magnitude of these transient current peaks is dependent on the output capacitance loading of the device. At a minimum, a 0.1 uF ceramic capacitor (high frequency, low inherent inductance) should be used on each device between VCC and GND to minimize transient effects. In addition, to overcome the voltage drop caused by the inductive effects of the printed circuit board traces on EPROM arrays, a 4.7 uF bulk electrolytic capacitor should be used between VCC and GND for each eight devices. The location of the capacitor should be close to where the power supply is connected to the array. MODE SELECT TABLE PINS MODE CE OE/VPP A0 A9 OUTPUTS Read VIL VIL X X DOUT Output Disable VIL VIH X X High Z Standby (TTL) VIH X X X High Z Standby (CMOS) VCC±0.3V X X X High Z Program VIL VPP X X DIN Program Verify VIL VIL X X DOUT Program Inhibit VIH VPP X X High Z Manufacturer Code(3) VIL VIL VIL VH C2H Device Code(3) VIL VIL VIH VH 91H |
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