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ADS1242 Datasheet(PDF) 10 Page - Texas Instruments |
ADS1242 Datasheet(HTML) 10 Page - Texas Instruments |
10 / 33 page ![]() ADS1242, 1243 10 SBAS235H www.ti.com channel. With this method, it is possible to have up to seven single-ended input channels or four independent differential input channels for the ADS1243, and three single-ended input channels or two independent differential input channels for the ADS1242. The ADS1242 and ADS1243 feature a single-cycle settling digital filter that provides valid data on the first conversion after a new channel selection. In order to minimize the settling error, synchronize MUX changes to the conversion beginning, which is indicated by the falling edge of DRDY . In other words, issuing a MUX change through the WREG command immediately after DRDY goes LOW minimizes the settling error. Increasing the time between the conversion beginning (DRDY goes LOW) and the MUX change com- mand (tDELAY) results in a settling error in the conversion data, as shown in Figure 2. BURNOUT CURRENT SOURCES The Burnout Current Sources can be used to detect sensor short-circuit or open-circuit conditions. Setting the Burnout Current Sources (BOCS) bit in the SETUP register activates two 2 µA current sources called burnout current sources. One of the current sources is connected to the converter’s nega- tive input and the other is connected to the converter’s positive input. Figure 3 shows the situation for an open-circuit sensor. This is a potential failure mode for many kinds of remotely con- nected sensors. The current source on the positive input acts as a pull-up, causing the positive input to go to the positive analog supply, and the current source on the negative input acts as a pull-down, causing the negative input to go to ground. The ADS1242/43 therefore outputs full-scale (7FFFFF Hex). Figure 4 shows a short-circuited sensor. Since the inputs are OVERVIEW INPUT MULTIPLEXER The input multiplexer provides for any combination of differ- ential inputs to be selected on any of the input channels, as shown in Figure 1. For example, if AIN0 is selected as the positive differential input channel, any other channel can be selected as the negative terminal for the differential input FIGURE 1. Input Multiplexer Configuration. FIGURE 2. Input Multiplexer Configuration. A IN3/D3 A IN4/D4 A IN5/D5 A IN6/D6 A IN0/D0 A IN1/D1 A IN2/D2 A IN7/D7 Burnout Current Source Burnout Current Source GND V DD ADS1243 Only Input Buffer SETTLING ERROR vs DELAY TIME f CLK = 2.4576MHz Delay Time, t DELAY (ms) 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 0 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.000001 New Conversion Begins, Complete Previous Conversion New Conversion Complete t DELAY MSB LSB DRDY DIN SCLK Previous Conversion Data |
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