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515D476M050AA6AE3 Datasheet(PDF) 2 Page - Vishay Siliconix |
515D476M050AA6AE3 Datasheet(HTML) 2 Page - Vishay Siliconix |
2 / 9 page 515D Vishay Sprague Revision: 12-Jun-13 2 Document Number: 42052 For technical questions, contact: THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR WITH CUT OR FORMED LEADS in inches [millimeters] Notes • Coding of cut or formed lead to be added to the end of type number in 15th position (with position 14 coded “6”). (1) Formed lead. (2) Lead thickness Ø d depends on capacitor specification. (3) Lead protrusion at bottom of tape. CC 0.394 x 0.492 [10.0 x 12.5] 0.197 [5.0] 0.024 [0.60] 1.48 CD 0.394 x 0.630 [10.0 x 16.0] 0.197 [5.0] 0.024 [0.60] 1.75 CG 0.394 x 0.787 [10.0 x 20.0] 0.197 [5.0] 0.024 [0.60] 2.37 DG 0.492 x 0.787 [12.5 x 20.0] 0.197 [5.0] 0.024 [0.60] 3.73 DK 0.492 x 0.984 [12.5 x 25.0] 0.197 [5.0] 0.024 [0.60] 4.85 EK 0.630 x 0.984 [16.0 x 25.0] 0.295 [7.5] 0.031 [0.80] 7.08 EN 0.630 x 1.240 [16.0 x 31.5] 0.295 [7.5] 0.031 [0.80] 8.94 ER 0.630 x 1.398 [16.0 x 35.5] 0.295 [7.5] 0.031 [0.80] 10.50 FR 0.709 x 1.398 [18.0 x 35.5] 0.295 [7.5] 0.031 [0.80] 12.53 FV 0.709 x 1.575 [18.0 x 40.0] 0.295 [7.5] 0.031 [0.80] 15.71 DIMENSIONS in inches [millimeters] FORMING METHOD FORMED LEAD CODE DIMENSIONS DL.S. P e (3) X (Max.) Formed and cut F 0.157 [4.0] 0.197 [5.0] 0.059 [1.5] - 0.059 [1.5] 0.197 [5.0] 0.197 [5.0] 0.079 [2.0] - 0.059 [1.5] 0.248 [6.3] 0.197 [5.0] 0.098 [2.5] - 0.098 [2.5] 0.315 [8.0] 0.197 [5.0] 0.138 [3.5] - 0.098 [2.5] Cut C 0.394 [10.0] 0.197 [5.0] - - - 0.492 [12.5] 0.197 [5.0] - - - 0.630 [16.0] 0.295 [7.5] - - - 0.709 [18.0] 0.295 [7.5] - - - Snap-in S 0.157 [4.0] 0.197 [5.0] 0.059 [1.5] 0.043 [1.1] 0.059 [1.5] 0.197 [5.0] 0.197 [5.0] 0.079 [2.0] 0.043 [1.1] 0.059 [1.5] 0.248 [6.3] 0.197 [5.0] 0.098 [2.5] 0.043 [1.1] 0.059 [1.5] 0.315 [8.0] 0.197 [5.0] 0.138 [3.5] 0.051 [1.3] 0.059 [1.5] 0.394 [10.0] 0.197 [5.0] - 0.051 [1.3] - 0.492 [12.5] 0.197 [5.0] - 0.051 [1.3] - 0.630 [16.0] 0.295 [7.5] - 0.051 [1.3] - 0.709 [18.0] 0.295 [7.5] - 0.051 [1.3] - DIMENSIONS in inches [millimeters] CASE CODE NOMINAL CASE SIZE D x L LEAD SPACING S NOMINAL LEAD DIAMETER D TYPICAL WEIGHT (g) 0.033 ± 0.006 [0.85 ± 0.15] 0.039 ± 0.008 [1.0 ± 0.2] D X 0.197 ± 0.20 [5.0 ± 0.5] D 0.197 ± 0.20 [5.0 ± 0.5] 0.177 [4.5] 0.177 [4.5] F (1) (4, 5, 6.3, 8) (10, 12.5, 16, 18) Code S 0.177 [4.5] Code C Ø d (2) D S ± 0.20 [0.5] F (1) F (1) Code F 0.177 [4.5] 0.197 ± 0.20 [5.0 ± 0.5] Ø d (2) Ø d (2) Ø d (2) D X Code S Code S Code S |
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