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MCS04020C3309FE000 Datasheet(PDF) 9 Page - Vishay Siliconix |
MCS04020C3309FE000 Datasheet(HTML) 9 Page - Vishay Siliconix |
9 / 12 page ![]() MCS 0402, MCT 0603, MCU 0805, MCA 1206 - Professional www.vishay.com Vishay Beyschlag Revision: 24-Jan-13 9 Document Number: 28705 For technical questions, contact: thinfilmchip@vishay.com THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc?91000 4.23 Climatic sequence: Standard operation mode: 4.23.2 2 (Ba) Dry heat 125 °C; 16 h ± (0.5 % R +0.05 )± (1 % R + 0.05 ) 4.23.3 30 (Db) Damp heat, cyclic 55 °C; 24 h; > 90 % RH; 1 cycle 4.23.4 1 (Aa) Cold - 55 °C; 2 h 4.23.5 13 (M) Low air pressure 8.5 kPa; 2 h; (25 ± 10) °C 4.23.6 30 (Db) Damp heat, cyclic 55 °C; 24 h; > 90 % RH; 5 cycles 4.23.7 - DC load U = U max.; 1 min. - 1 (Aa) Cold - 55 °C; 2 h ± (0.1 % R +0.01 ) ± (0.25 % R + 0.05 ) 4.19 14 (Na) Rapid change of temperature 30 min at LCT and 30 min at UCT; LCT = - 55 °C; UCT = 125 °C; 5cycles ± (0.1 % R + 0.01 ) no visible damage LCT = - 55 °C; UCT = 125 °C; 1000 cycles ± (0.25 % R + 0.05 ) no visible damage 4.13 - Short time overload: Standard operation mode U = 2.5 x or U = 2 x Umax.; whichever is the less severe; 5 s ± (0.1 % R + 0.01 )±(0.25 % R + 0.05 ) Short time overload: Power operation mode U = 2.5 x or U = 2 x Umax.; whichever is the less severe; 5 s ± (0.25 % R + 0.05 )±(0.5 % R + 0.05 ) 4.27 - Single pulse high voltage overload: Standard operation mode Severity no. 4: U = 10 x or U = 2 x Umax.; whichever is the less severe; 10 pulses 10 μs/700 μs ± (0.5 % R + 0.05 ) no visible damage 4.37 - Periodic electric overload: Standard operation mode U = or U = 2 x Umax.; 0.1 s on; 2.5 s off; whichever is the less severe; 1000 cycles ± (0.5 % R + 0.05 ) no visible damage Periodic electric overload: Power operation mode U = or U = 2 x Umax.; 0.1 s on; 2.5 s off; whichever is the less severe; 1000 cycles ± (1 % R + 0.05 ) no visible damage TEST PROCEDURES AND REQUIREMENTS EN 60115-1 CLAUSE IEC 60068-2 TEST METHOD TEST PROCEDURE REQUIREMENTS PERMISSIBLE CHANGE ( R) STABILITY CLASS 0.5 STABILITY CLASS 1 Stability for product types: MCS 0402 10 to 33.2 k > 33.2 k to 4.99 M MCT 0603 10 to 100 k 1 to < 10 ; > 100 k to 10 M MCU 0805 10 to 221 k 1 to < 10 ; > 221 k to 10 M MCA 1206 10 to 332 k 1 to < 10 ; > 332 k to 2 M P 70 x R P 70 x R P 70 x R P 70 x R 15 x P 70 x R 15 x P 70 x R |
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