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MCS04020C3309FE000 Datasheet(PDF) 8 Page - Vishay Siliconix |
MCS04020C3309FE000 Datasheet(HTML) 8 Page - Vishay Siliconix |
8 / 12 page ![]() MCS 0402, MCT 0603, MCU 0805, MCA 1206 - Professional www.vishay.com Vishay Beyschlag Revision: 24-Jan-13 8 Document Number: 28705 For technical questions, contact: thinfilmchip@vishay.com THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc?91000 TESTS AND REQUIREMENTS All tests are carried out in accordance with the following specifications: EN 60115-1, generic specification (includes tests) EN 140400, sectional specification (includes schedule for qualification approval) EN 140401-801, detail specification (includes schedule for conformance inspection) The components are approved in accordance with the European CECC-system, where applicable. The following table contains only the most important tests. For the full test schedule refer to the documents listed above. The testing also covers most of the requirements specified by EIA/IS-703 and JIS-C-5202. The tests are carried out in accordance with IEC 60068 and under standard atmospheric conditions in accordance with IEC 60068-1, 5.3. Climatic category LCT/UCT/56 (rated temperature range: Lower category temperature, upper category temperature; damp heat, long term, 56 days) is valid. Unless otherwise specified the following values apply: Temperature: 15 °C to 35 °C Relative humidity: 45 % to 75 % Air pressure: 86 kPa to 106 kPa (860 mbar to 1060 mbar). The components are mounted for testing on boards in accordance with EN 60115-1, 4.31 unless otherwise specified. The requirements stated in the Test Procedures and Requirements table are based on the required tests and permitted limits of EN 140401-801. However, some additional tests and a number of improvements against those minimum requirements have been included. TEST PROCEDURES AND REQUIREMENTS EN 60115-1 CLAUSE IEC 60068-2 TEST METHOD TEST PROCEDURE REQUIREMENTS PERMISSIBLE CHANGE ( R) STABILITY CLASS 0.5 STABILITY CLASS 1 Stability for product types: MCS 0402 10 to 33.2 k > 33.2 k to 4.99 M MCT 0603 10 to 100 k 1 to < 10 ; > 100 k to 10 M MCU 0805 10 to 221 k 1 to < 10 ; > 221 k to 10 M MCA 1206 10 to 332 k 1 to < 10 ; > 332 k to 2 M 4.5 - Resistance - ± 1 % R; ± 0.5 % R - Temperature coefficient At (20/- 55/20) °C and (20/125/20) °C ± 50 ppm/K; ± 25 ppm/K 4.25.1 - Endurance at 70 °C: Standard operation mode U = or U = Umax.; whichever is the less severe; 1.5 h on; 0.5 h off; 70 °C; 1000 h ± (0.25 % R + 0.05 ) 70 °C; 8000 h ± (0.5 % R + 0.05 ) Endurance at 70 °C: Power operation mode U = or U = Umax.; whichever is the less severe; 1.5 h on; 0.5 h off; 70 °C; 1000 h ± (0.5 % R + 0.05 ) 70 °C; 8000 h ± (1 % R + 0.05 ) 4.25.3 - Endurance at upper category temperature 125 °C; 1000 h ± (0.25 % R + 0.05 ) ± (0.5 % R + 0.05 ) 155 °C; 1000 h ± (0.5 % R +0.05 )±(1 % R + 0.05 ) 4.24 78 (Cab) Damp heat, steady state (40 ± 2) °C; 56 days; (93 ± 3) % RH ± (0.5 % R +0.05 )±(1 % R + 0.05 ) P 70 x R P 70 x R |
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