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MDB6S Datasheet(PDF) 7 Page - Fairchild Semiconductor |
MDB6S Datasheet(HTML) 7 Page - Fairchild Semiconductor |
7 / 8 page ENGINEERING CONNECTIONS Challenges Facing Solar Power Generation Higher cell efficiency, lower system costs, reliability and geopolitical systems all pose challenges to this market’s growth. The cost of a solar electric system is represented as dollar/watt. The current cost of a utility based solar electric system is $3.3/W (Source: DOE). Government programs are funding research to help drive down the cost to $1/W to help this market expansion. The different cost components that make up this system cost are provided in figure below. The panels represent more than 50% of the system cost; the balance of system (BOS) represents 43% and solar inverters represent 6%. In order to reach the aggressive $1/W target, advancement in all PV system components is compulsory. Power electronics, while a small portion of the total cost, will drive harvesting efficiency and therefore is critical. Panel manufacturers have made significant progress in cost reductions through new manufacturing processes and improvements in the conversion efficiencies of the solar cells. As the panel costs drop further in the future, the BOS and Solar Inverter costs will become a dominant part of the total system cost. Component Choices for Efficient, Cost-Effective and Reliable Implementations Regardless of which topology is used, designers must make careful choices when selecting the individual components. The necessary improvements in performance, cost, reliability and efficiency require special attention to the following factors and their ultimate impact on the overall system: Component count: cost, size, total power dissipation, reliability Heat/thermal management: reliability, size/weight, cost Minimization of losses and parasitics: system performance, total power dissipation Fairchild is committed to the development of components that will help designers implement systems optimized for these three important factors. Key building blocks for future harvesting and conversion implementations include: •IGBTs, and high- and mid-voltage MOSFETs (high-voltage includes SuperFET®, SuperFET® II and SupreMOS® MOSFETs; mid-voltage MOSFETs incorporate PowerTrench® technology). These products feature high current handling capability and low conduction and switching loss. •Gate drivers, with a wide range of options that include optically isolated; high-speed low side; and high-voltage. •Bypass and blocking diodes that maximize energy prevent energy loss in storage systems. •High-voltage silicon carbide (SiC) devices that offer significant improvement on both cost and efficiency in energy conversion systems as well as higher reliability. To obtain the complete backgrounder that includes the discussion on Fairchild solutions, converter topologies and complementary renewable technologies visit New Semiconductor Solutions Meet the Challenges of Efficient and Effective Generation of Renewable Power 2010 $3.40 $3.50 $3.00 $2.50 $2.00 $1.50 $1.00 $0.50 $0.0 $0.22 $1.48 $1.70 $0.18 $0.97 $1.05 $0.18 $0.97 $0.50 $2.20 Utility System with $1/W Goal $1.00 2016 $1/Watt Power Electronics BOS/Installation Module Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Reaching Cost Reduction Targets will require advances in all PV system components The following article is an abridged version with sections from Fairchild’s backgrounder on solutions for the generation of renewable power. Engineering Connections offers blogs, videos, online seminars and podcasts that help designers solve their design challenges and speed time- to-market. Get the latest information at |
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