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MD-010 Datasheet(PDF) 7 Page - Vectron International, Inc |
MD-010 Datasheet(HTML) 7 Page - Vectron International, Inc |
7 / 8 page Vectron International • 267 Lowell Road, Hudson, NH 03051 • Tel: 1-88-VECTRON-1 • Ordering Information Instructions The MD-010 series of disciplined oscillators has multiple options with embedded OCXOs, Double OCXOs, EMXOs and TCXOs. Options are created to optimize customer hold over requirements while meeting pricing needs. Customization to unique customer requirements is available and is common for this level of integration. Common customizations include alternate output frequencies, temperature ranges, differing values and methods of hold over specification, and holdover optimization in the frequency domain. . Not all combinations of codes are available. The table below lists exisiting combinations available as of the date of publication of this data sheet. Please contact the factory for additional options. 7 Available Models (standard models highlighted) MD-0100-DXD-TCXO-10M0000000 MD-0102-DXD-HPTC-10M0000000 MD-0101-DXD-EMXO-10M0000000 MD-0100-DXE-TCXO-10M0000000 MD-0102-DXE-HPTC-10M0000000 MD-0101-DXE-EMXO-10M0000000 MD-0100-DXJ-TCXO-10M0000000 MD-0102-DXJ-HPTC-10M0000000 MD-0101-DXJ-EMXO-10M0000000 MD-0100-DXT-TCXO-10M0000000 MD-0102-DXT-HPTC-10M0000000 MD-0101-DXT-EMXO-10M0000000 MD-0101-DXD-DAEM-10M0000000 MD-0103-DXD-OCXO-10M0000000 MD-0103-DXD-DAOC-10M0000000 MD-0101-DXE-DAEM-10M0000000 MD-0103-DXE-OCXO-10M0000000 MD-0103-DXE-DAOC-10M0000000 MD-0101-DXJ-DAEM-10M0000000 MD-0103-DXJ-OCXO-10M0000000 MD-0103-BXJ-DAOC-10M0000000 MD-0101-DXT-DAEM-10M0000000 MD-0103-DXT-OCXO-10M0000000 MD-0103-BXT-DAOC-10M0000000 MD-0103-BXJ-OCXO-10M0000000 MD-0103-BXT-OCXO-10M0000000 MD-0104-BXJ-DOCX-10M0000000 MD-0104-BXT-DOCX-10M0000000 Vectron Partnumber Description MD-010-EK MD-010X-XXX-XXXX Module with Evaluation Kit Accessories Ordering Information MD - 010 3 - B X J - OCXO - 10M0000000 Product Family MD: Precision Modules Package 65x115mm Height 0: 11 mm 1: 11.8 mm 2: 13 mm 3: 19.5 mm 4: 21.3mm 5: 25 mm 6: 30 mm Supply Voltage A: + 15V B: +12V D: +5V Embedded Oscillator TCXO (Temperature Compensated XO) HPTC (High Precision TCXO) EMXO (Evacuated Miniaturized Oven Controlled XO) DAEM (Digitally Assisted EMXO) OCXO (Oven Controlled XO) DAOC (Digitally Assisted OCXO) DOCX (Double Oven Controlled XO) Frequency RF Output Code X: standard outputs per specification Temperature Range D: -40°C to +70°C E: -40°C to +85°C J: -20°C to +70°C T: 0°C to +70°C |
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