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K-200B3C Datasheet(PDF) 2 Page - Tyco Electronics |
K-200B3C Datasheet(HTML) 2 Page - Tyco Electronics |
2 / 2 page ![]() Typical Schematic Diagram Notes GeneralOperatingSpecifications Physical Data Environmental Data Main Contacts Electrical Data Auxiliary Contacts Electrical Data Mechanical Data Coil Data Main contact arrangement Form Auxiliary contact arrangement Weight Shock, 11ms 1/2 sine (operating) Vibration, sine 10-2000 Hz Vibration, random 10-2000 Hz Operating temperature range Storage temperature range Rated operating voltage Load polarity (make, carry, break) Continuous current carry In-rush current Maximum interrupt (50 times) Electrical current switching life @ 28Vdc Resistive load (make, carry, break) Motor load (make, carry, break) Inductive load (make, carry, break) Maximum contact voltage drop @ rated amps (see note 2) Insulation resistance @ 500 Vdc Dielectric withstanding voltage @ sea level (leakage less than 1.0 mA, 1 minute continuous) Rated operating voltage Load polarity (make, carry, break) Continuous current carry Low level (see note 1) Operate time @ 18-32 Vdc Dropout time @ 18-32 Vdc Bounce @ 18-32 Vdc Mechanical life @ 25% rated resistive load Duty cycle Maximum operate voltage Nominal operate voltage Maximum pickup voltage Maximum dropout voltage (see note 3) Coil current @ 32 Vdc and -55°C Inrush (12 mS max) Holding Nominal coil resistance @ 22°C Pickup Holding Nominal coil power Coil transient suppression Auxiliary contacts are gold plated. 1 mA rating does not apply if contacts have switched loads above 1 mA. 150 mV After Life test. Dropout is 3.5 Vdc max when used as a start contactor with the coil center tap utilized. 1. 2. 3. SPST-NO X Up to 2 Form Z or C 0.50 lbs - 0.75 lbs 25 Gpeak 10 Grms 5 Grms -55 to +85°C -55 to +125°C 32 Vdc maximum Bi-directional 200 Amps/300 Amps/400 Amps 1000 Amps/1500 Amps/2000 Amps 2000 Amps/3000 Amps/4000 Amps 50K cycles minimum 50K cycles minimum 50K cycles minimum 0.125 Vdc 100 Milliohms 1800 Vrms 28 Vdc/115 Vac Bi-directional 5 Amps 1 mA 35 Ms maximum 20 Ms maximum 4 Ms maximum 100K cycles Continuous 32 Vdc 28 Vdc 16 Vdc 9 Vdc 5.5 Amps maximum 0.400 Amps maximum 5.5 ohms 86.5 ohms 9.1 watts 42 Vdc maximum Catalog (web doc only) Dimensions are in inches and Dimensions are shown for USA: 1-800-522-6752 South America: 55-11-3611-1514 Revised 5-04 millimeters unless otherwise reference purposes only. Canada: 1-905-470-4425 Hong Kong: 852-2735-1628 specified. Values in brackets Specifications subject Mexico: 01-800-733-8926 Japan: 81-44-844-8013 www.tycoelectronics.com are metric equivalents. to change. C. America: 52-55-5-729-0425 UK: 44-141-810-8967 © 2004 by Tyco Electronics Corporation. All Rights Reserved. HARTMAN and TYCO are trademarks. For factory-direct application assistance, contact the HARTMAN product team at (419) 521-9500, Fax (419) 526-2749. HARTMAN Aerospace Power Products |
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