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IDT74FST163211 Datasheet(PDF) 4 Page - Integrated Device Technology |
IDT74FST163211 Datasheet(HTML) 4 Page - Integrated Device Technology |
4 / 6 page ![]() 4 INDUSTRIALTEMPERATURERANGE IDT74FST163211 24-BIT BUS SWITCH Symbol Parameter Test Conditions(1) Min. Typ.(2) Max. Unit ∆ICC Quiescent Power Supply Current VCC = Max. — 0.5 1.5 mA TTL Inputs HIGH VIN = 3.4V(3) ICCD Dynamic Power Supply VCC = Max. VIN = VCC — 240 320 µA/ Current(4,5) One Enable Pin Toggling VIN = GND MHz/ 50% Duty Cycle Switch IC Total Power Supply Current(6) VCC = Max. VIN = VCC — 2.4 3.2 mA One Enable Pin Toggling VIN = GND fi = 10MHz VIN = 3.4V — 2.7 4 50% Duty Cycle VIN = GND VCC = Max. VIN = VCC — 4.8 6.4 Two Enable Pins Toggling VIN = GND fi = 10MHz VIN = 3.4V — 5.4 8 50% Duty Cycle VIN = GND POWER SUPPLY CHARACTERISTICS NOTES: 1. For conditions shown as Max. or Min., use appropriate value specified under Electrical Characteristics for the applicable device type. TA = –40°C to +85°C 2. Typical values are at VCC = 5.0V, +25°C ambient. 3. Per TTL driven input (VIN = 3.4V). All other inputs at VCC or GND. Switch inputs do not contribute to ∆ICC. 4. This parameter represents the current required to switch the internal capacitance of the control inputs at the specified frequency. Switch inputs generate no significant power supply currents as they transition. This parameter is not directly testable, but is derived for use in Total Power Supply Calculations. 5. CPD = ICCD/VCC CPD = Power Dissipation Capacitance 6. IC = IQUIESCENT + IINPUTS + IDYNAMIC IC = ICC + ∆ICC DHNT + ICCD (fiN) ICC = Quiescent Current ∆ICC = Power Supply Current for a TTL High Input (VIN = 3.4V) DH = Duty Cycle for TTL Inputs High NT = Number of TTL Inputs at DH ICCD = Dynamic Current Caused by an Input Transition Pair (HLH or LHL) fi = Control Input Frequency N = Number of Control Inputs Toggling at fi SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS OVER OPERATING RANGE FollowingConditionsApplyUnlessOtherwiseSpecified: Industrial: TA = -40°C to +85°C, VCC = 5.0V ± 10% VCC = 5V ± 10% VCC = 4V Symbol Description(1) Min. Typ. Max. Max. Unit tPLH DataPropagationDelay — — 0.25 0.25 ns tPHL A to B, B to A(2) tPZH Switch CONNECT Delay 1.5 — 6.5 7 ns tPZL xOE to A or B tPHZ Switch DISCONNECT Delay 1.5 — 5.5 7 ns tPLZ xOE to A or B |QCI| Charge Injection During Switch DISCONNECT — 1.5 — — pC xOE to A or B(3) NOTES: 1. See test circuits and waveforms. 2. The bus switch contributes no Propagation Delay other than the RC Delay of the load interacting with the RC of the switch. 3. |QCI| is the charge injection for a single switch DISCONNECT and applies to either single switches or multiplexers. |QDCI| is the charge injection for a multiplexer as the multiplexed port switches from one path to another. Charge injection is reduced because the injection from the DISCONNECT of the first path is compensated by the CONNECT of the second path. |
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