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CPS-MC341-ADSC1-111 Datasheet(PDF) 1 Page - Contec Co., Ltd |
CPS-MC341-ADSC1-111 Datasheet(HTML) 1 Page - Contec Co., Ltd |
1 / 3 page Ver.1.10 CPS-MC341-ADSC1-111, CPS-MC341-ADSC2-111 1 CONPROSYS Series Multi-Function Module CPS-MC341-ADSC1-111 (RS422/4851chtype) CPS-MC341-ADSC2-111 (RS422/485 2chtype) *Thephotograph is a CPS-MC341-ADSC1-111. * Specifications,color and design of theproducts are subjecttochange withoutnotice. This product is aM2M controller with isolatedRS-422A/485, isolated digital input/output,isolated counterinput, inter-channelisolated analog input, RS-232C, and LAN interface. It is equipped withthe ARM®Cortex®-A8 processor (600MHz) and the512MB DDR3-SDRAM systemmemory. On-board NOR-FLASHis utilized for a booting device. With theCONPROSYSseries, datacan becollected from various types of facilities and managed themall centrally. All theprocesses fromdevelopmentto operation canbe performed on a web browser.The functions suchasWebmonitoring of I/O information, alarmprocessing by I/Oinformation, task divergenceenable you to create a Cloud Systemat low cost and ina shorttime.. * Thecontentsinthis documentare subjectto changewithoutnotice. * Visit theCONTECwebsite to checkthelatest details inthe document. * Theinformation inthedata sheets is as of Sepember, 2019. Hardware features Compactdesign Compact design, 188.0(W) x 78.0(D) x 30.5(H), features flexibility in installation. Adaptabletoa temperaturerangebetween -20 and +60°C Theproductis capable of operating inthetemperaturebetween-20 and + 60°C. It canbe installed inthevariousenvironments. EthernetHub functionwithin Use theproduct as EthernetHub so that youcanconnectdevices inthe daisy-chain. Apowerful running platformwithoutfan TheproductcontainstheARM®Cortex®-A8 processor (600MHz) and theDDR3 512MB system memory. Decrease malfunctionsor damagesbybus isolation and surge protection(RS-422A/485,digital/counterinput) Electrical isolation between theRS-422A/485 and theCPU, as well as between thedigital/counter inputand CPU canblockelectrical noise flow.Moreover, thesurgeprotectionelementsareused for signal line and on top of that, theRS-422A/485 is protected with the communicationICthat canwithstand ±70V inputvoltage, which reduces malfunctions or damages bysurge. Decrease malfunctionsor damagesbybus isolation, inter-channel isolationand surge protection(AnalogInput) Electric isolationis provided between analog inputand channelas well as betweenanalog input andCPU.This allows signals with differentground levels to be inputtothechannels. In addition,the surge protection elements are usedfor signal lines, whichreducesmalfunctionsor damages by surge. Capableof adaptinga wide-rangepower (12- 24VDC) Theproductis capable of dealing with a wide rangeof power in the differingenvironments.Power connector also has aFG terminal. Easyinstallation with screwsor on DIN rail This productcan be installed onthe wall with screws or onDIN rail with simple mounting. Installationwith twopieces ofterminal support Theterminalconnectorcan be removed withouta screwdriver. Even whena malfunction occurs,this productcan be replaced ina short length of time. Equipped withLED foran operation check TheproducthasLED for an operationcheck,whichhelps youvisually confirm thecommunication status of each interface. No electrolytic capacitoror primarybattery Neither anelectrolyticcapacitor, whichhas a limited life, nor a primary battery is used. TheContecis creatingthe productwith a longer life. With nouse of electrolytic capacitorandprimary battery Neither anelectrolyticcapacitor, which has a limited life, nor a primary battery is used. Wearecreating theproduct with a longer life. Software features Measurement andupload CPS-MC341-ADSC1-111 measures data with an externalsensor and uploadsthemto theCloud server. Webmonitoring Theproductcontains aWebserver.EvenwiththePC located remotely, I/O informationcan bemonitored and updated througha Webbrowser. On themonitoring screen,the standard GUI parts (graphic, slider, button, etc.)can be freely arranged. All operations includingmonitoring layout,making relations with I/O information,can be achieved through a Webbrowser. Webtask script By combining icons suchas arithmeticoperations,conditional branching, data outputting, youcan setup theexecutions or its processes like drawing themintheflowchart.All operations canbe completedthrough a Webbrowser. Message communicationfunction With theRS-232C, theRS-422A/RS-485 or the Ethernetdevice (TCP/UDP),up to 10 links canbe set to send or receive messages. Message communication can be accomplishedfromWebtask script. |
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