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G8605 Datasheet (PDF) - Hamamatsu Corporation

G8605 Datasheet PDF - Hamamatsu Corporation
No. de pieza G8605
Descarga  G8605 Descarga

Tamaño del archivo   247.62 Kbytes
Page   4 Pages
Fabricante Electrónico  HAMAMATSU [Hamamatsu Corporation]
Página de inicio
Logo HAMAMATSU - Hamamatsu Corporation
Descripción Electrónicos InGaAs PIN photodiode

G8605 Datasheet (PDF)

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G8605 Datasheet PDF - Hamamatsu Corporation

No. de pieza G8605
Descarga  G8605 Click to download

Tamaño del archivo   247.62 Kbytes
Page   4 Pages
Fabricante Electrónico  HAMAMATSU [Hamamatsu Corporation]
Página de inicio
Logo HAMAMATSU - Hamamatsu Corporation
Descripción Electrónicos InGaAs PIN photodiode

G8605 Datasheet (HTML) - Hamamatsu Corporation

G8605 Datasheet HTML 1Page - Hamamatsu Corporation G8605 Datasheet HTML 2Page - Hamamatsu Corporation G8605 Datasheet HTML 3Page - Hamamatsu Corporation G8605 Datasheet HTML 4Page - Hamamatsu Corporation

G8605 Detalles de producto

Thermoelectrically cooled NIR (near infrared) detector with low noise and high-speed response

InGaAs PIN photodiodes have small terminal capacitance for high-speed response and also feature high shunt resistance and very low noise. The G8605 series of InGaAs PIN photodiodes are thermoelectrically cooled types that decrease the dark current to achieve high D . One-stage (-10 °C) and two-stage (-20 °C) thermoelectrically cooled types are provided.

► High-speed response
► Low noise
► Various active area sizes available from φ1 to φ5 mm

► Optical power meter
► Water content analyzer
► Laser diode life test

Número de pieza similar - G8605

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Hamamatsu Corporation
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   Thermoelectrically cooled NIR (near infrared) detector with low noise and high-speed response
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   InGaAs PIN photodiode
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Acerca de Hamamatsu Corporation

Hamamatsu Corporation is a Japanese company that specializes in the development and manufacture of optoelectronic and photonic devices, including photomultiplier tubes, image sensors, and light sources. The company was founded in 1953 in Hamamatsu, Japan, and has since become a global leader in the optoelectronics industry.

Hamamatsu Corporation's products are used in a variety of applications, including medical equipment, scientific research, industrial automation, and communications. The company is known for its high-quality and reliable products, and its technology is widely used by researchers and engineers around the world.

In addition to its optoelectronic products, Hamamatsu Corporation also provides measurement and analysis services, as well as solutions for industrial inspection and control. The company has offices and facilities around the world, including in the United States, Europe, and Asia, and is committed to advancing the field of optoelectronics through ongoing research and development.

*Esta información es solo para fines informativos generales, no seremos responsables de ninguna pérdida o daño causado por la información anterior.

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